Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Evgeny A Novikov
University of California - San Diego, BioCircuits Institute, LaJolla, CA 92093-0328,
The recently observed gravitational wave background is explained in terms of the quantum modification of the general relativity.
Gravitational wave background, quantum modification of the general relativity, compressibility of the spacetime.
Recently detected gravitational waves background (GWB) [1] remains a mystery, despite several suggested sources of it [1]. In this letter, GWB is naturally explained by the quantum modification of the general relativity (Qmoger), initiated in Ref. [2]. The essence of Qmoger is that the spacetime is not only curved (Einstein), but also compressible, which leads to new dynamics of matter/energy production/absorption by the quantum vacuum [2]. This effect was also supported by simple consideration [3], indicating that presence of the quantum vacuum is hardly consisted with exact conservation of energy, which is for classical general relativity ( see, for example, textbook [4]) . Developments and applications of Qmoger are in good quantitative agreement with cosmic data, including the accelerated expansion of the universe and recently observed early galaxies, without fitting parameters [5-10].
GWB in Qmoger
It is reasonable to expect, that feeding the universe, connected in Qmoger with compressibility of the spacetime, should create gravitational waves, not unlike waves on a lake in a rainy day. Indeed, in Qmoger, in the weak-field limit, we have two types of plane gravitational waves (see equations (18) and (19) in [5]). One is classical waves, connected with spacetime curvature, with ω/kc=±1, where ω,k,c are frequency, wave number and speed of light correspondingly. Another type of waves, connected to spacetime compressibility, are unstable in the weak-field limit with imaginary ω. It seems natural, that this second type of waves in Qmoger creates the observed stochastic GWB permeating the universe.
Gravitational wave background is natural in the quantum modification of the general relativity and connected to compressibility of the spacetime. In future, it will be interesting to consider these special gravitational waves in a nonlinear approximation for a more detailed comparison with observations of GWB and other phenomena, which could be related to compressibility of the spacetime. Particularly, on the list are recently observed minute-duration optical flares in "Tasmanian devil"[11], as well as some UFO [12].
[2] Novikov, E.A. (2006) Vacuum Response to Cosmic Stretching: Accelerated Universe and Prevention of Singularity. arXiv:nlin/0608050
of GWB and other phenomena, which could be related to compressibility of the spacetime, particularly, with recently observed minute-duration optical flares in "Tasmanian devil"[11]. [3] Novikov, E.A. (2007) Random Shooting of Entangled Particles in Vacuum. arXiv:0707.3299
[4] Landau, L.D. and Lifshitz, E.M. (1975) The Classical Theory of Fields. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
[5] Chefranov, S.G. and Novikov, E.A. (2010) Hydrodynamical Vacuum Sources of Dark Matter Self-Generation without Big Bang. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 111, 731-743.
[6] Novikov, E.A. (2016) Ultralight Gravitons with Tiny Electric Dipole Moment Are Seeping from the Vacuum. Modern Physics Letters A, 31, Article ID: 1650092.
[7] Novikov, E.A. (2016) Quantum Modification of General Relativity. Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics, 13, 79-90.
[8] Novikov, E.A. (2018) Emergence of the Laws of Nature in the Developing Entangled Universe. American Research Journal of Physics, 4, 1-9.
[9] Novikov, E.A. (2019) Gravitational Angels. Bulletin of APS, 64, S01.00026.
[10] Novikov, E.A. (2023) Big Bang?, Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, Vol.9 No.4