Saturday, March 21, 2020

Evgeny A Novikov
Coronavirus is discussed by gravitangels [1].
-Have you heard what happens on planet Earth in Solar System?
-Yes, sort of epidemic.
-Coronavirus. I think GG [1] did not stop the epidemic because of bad behavior of people on Earth.
-They put GG in a foolish light.
-They are saying that GG created the Universe in a singular Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago.
-They are mad!
-Exactly. We know how GG patiently and accurately produced gravitons during hundreds billions of years and still doing this.
-Of course. So, what will happens with people?
-Hope, they will came to their minds. There are some reasonable people on Earth.
-But, how to stop the epidemic?
-Well, principally with the same gravitons, which have electric dipole moment, the virus can be mutated, neutralized and a vaccine can be made.
-Sounds a little complicated.
-For GG it is easy. People can get it done themselves, is they adopt the right theory.
-Perhaps, we can help.
-It is kind of forbidden. But...
[1] Evgeny A Novikov, Gravitational angels, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Volume 64, Number 3, Session S01: Abstract: S01.00026. April 13--16, 2019; Denver, Colorado